I've always prefered to be organised, to have a flexi-routine so I know that I'm staying on top of everything.
I like a clean, ordered house, I love good food made from scratch, I'm a happy munchkin if the bills are all being paid on time and it totally floats my boat to know when all my appts for the week are and to know where I need to be when!!
Unfortunately alot of those things require time, attention to detail and preparation. 2 kids, 1 hubby, 2 dogs, 1 turtle, 6 chickens, a huge vege garden and a half-renovated house later I find my brain doesn't have the abilities to plan my week out and keep track of everything. I sat in my lounge one day and had a look around. The place was, for me, a tip! The vacuum was in the middle of the room though its sole function for the last few weeks had been as a climbing toy, there was books, toys, washing (fortunately clean), dishes (unfortunately dirty), shoes, a pile of overdue bills and a corresponding pile of pizza boxes, not to mention far too much dust. I'd had enough!! So there began my journey to find a way to have all the things I wanted, without blowing a brain fuse.
A plain diary was one option - 3 and a half weeks and I gave that up as a lost cause since only 3 days had writing in it (well writing from me, another little someone had decided my diary made a far better scribble book)...
A giant whiteboard on the wall was another option - 2 months in and that also was a lost cause not just because it had fallen off the wall at some point (shows the lack of interest - I don't even remember when that happened), and been stood on then thoroughly scribbled on by little mr. artist...
That was basically my two trials lol I know - not very imaginative!
However!! Just as I'd reached that horrible disheartened place you get to when you've run out of ideas and you still haven't got anywhere (you know that place right?), I found it. It was the holy grail to my indiana jones, it was the super car to my stig, it was the chocolate to my PMS!!! It was.......
And that my dears is the end of Part One!
Im intregued (sp?) tell me more.... :D
Intrigued ;)
Lol it'll have to wait til next week unfortunately since a big bad truck is arriving tomorrow lunchtime to pick up everything in my house except the tv, computer and kids beds so I'm flat-out packing the last of everything up since whats not on the truck tomorrow doesn't get to go to the new house!!
I will wait with baited breath for part 2 as I have been having this very dilemma!
I'm so excited for part two lol, my organisers just not happening at the moment. LOVE the look of the blog too, now you just need a badge!
So, where is part two? I hope your move went well :D
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